Part of an art installation entitled A True Story - Health and Safety Regulations Now! The photos within the photo are of three boys who drowned in an unfenced gravel pit in July, 1980, while their parents worked in the fields nearby.

"Most of the growers do not give a damn as to what happens to farmworkers' children as long as the work is getting done. Contractors never give a damn anyway as their concern is to take the 30-40 per cent of workers' wages as their commission for providing transportation." - Farmworker newspaper editorial, September, 1980

"How many children have to die before the government is forced to act? The time for action is now. How many more of these terrible accidents must take place before the govenment responds. I am sick of our people being killed and maimed when government action could prevent some of these accidents." - CFU President Sarwan Boal, 1989